Life, a walk ...?


Maybe you have a goal, you know perfectly where and how your path will run. But you can hardly call this hiking. I think.


Maybe you are a wanderer, just following your feelings, or even less than that and allow yourself simply to let come what comes, without will, without compulsation. When do you come home, then? If a wanderer wants something, then certainly not a home.

Or maybe you have a bit of both: you know what you want, what you really want, but the road to it is a big unknown, wich let
only guess itself.No markings, no twilight or swaying light or any sound that suggests a direction. You are alone, with your own sighs. And , above all, with a lot of silence.

Maybe you are just looking for something that is not framed yet. You have some idea of ​​what you want and how you want to go to it, but not what you want to do whether the road you think you have to go is the right one, or one of the right ones.

Or maybe...

Yes ... look, you can go on like that. To ask and to question, to give feedback and go further, hypothesis, analysis, antithesis, exclusion, synthesis ...

But let's just keep walking for a while. Walking and its openness, the sensitive, the free course of your thoughts. “ Ambulare (Lat)” ; walking, browsing, going and standing and stopping where you want, freedom, or the feeling of freedom, at least. So, meeting. You meet small things, you meet the "
Big" in the small things, you finally meet the compulsionless of “ to meet ”, and its strength.